Seton Essays
Short pieces written by the man himself
Elk Notes by Seton
Sketch for Bugling Elk by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...
Seton Response to John Burroughs
Seton Illustration from The Century Magazine The revered, elderly, lyrical naturalist John Burroughs attacked Seton as a “Nature Faker” in an article entitled “Real and Sham Natural History,” appearing in the March 1903 issue of Atlantic Monthly. This hurt...
Seton Writes About Long Eared Owl
In December 1893, while chasing Lobo in New Mexico, Our Animal Friends magazine printed Seton’s article about the Long-eared owl. [One year’s subscription for $1.00, “payable strictly in advance,” or 10 cents per copy.] Since it included his finished illustration of...
Directive Coloration of Birds
Seton’s early science writings are less known than his wildlife stories but demonstrated important insights. Roger Tory Peterson Writing in 1941 in the Preface of A Field Guide to the Western Birds, Roger Tory Peterson gave credit to Seton’s influential work: “It was...
Ernest Thompson Seton Peace Message
In days like these one can accept or assume no higher or better mission than that of peace messenger, a personal messenger of peace and understanding among the nations. – Ernest Thompson Seton This is a partial transcription from “Ernest Thompson Seton: A Scout...
The Peacock for Artists
Seton had a great fondness for the peacock, making drawings of them and placing a decorative plaque of the bird (probably purchased in Mexico) near the front door of the Castle. Here is Seton’s explanation of depicting THE PEACOCK from Studies in the Art Anatomy of...
Seton on Hunting with Guns and Arrows
Through an entry into his Totem Board newsletter, Ernest Thompson Seton found a way to express his ideas about hunting in a review of a book by Adolph Shane, perhaps published in the 1940s. The book: Archery Tackle, How to Make and How to Use It, Manual Arts Press,...