Curator‘s Notes

Topics of interest to Seton explored by the author of this site



On Sunday, August 14th, the Academy for the Love of Learning will mark the 156th birthday of Ernest Thompson Seton with a new art exhibition and a documentary film. In a highlight of his extraordinary life as an artist, writer, and scientist, Seton led a daring...

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Ernest Thompson Seton Birthday #155

Annual Ernest Thompson Seton Birthday Celebration at Academy for the Love of Learning Seton Birthday Reception & Gallery Opening and Lecture with Julie A. Seton, Ph.D. Huge Persona in a Tiny Package: Julia M. Seton, My Grandmother Date: Friday, August 14, 2015...

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Ernest Thompson Seton Open Storage Exhibit

Ernest Thompson Seton Open Storage Exhibit

The ever-changing Seton Gallery is now showing additional ETS works in open storage display drawers. Museums generally have more stuff than can be shown on the walls. The rest goes into storage. The solution: store artwork where it can be seen by the public. Adjoining...

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Ernest Thompson Seton Gallery Visitors

Ernest Thompson Seton Gallery Visitors

The Seton Gallery at the Academy for the Love of Learning is officially open twice a month (second and fourth Wednesdays), but really is open any time I am there – a day or so every week and by appointment. Free admission. Late last month Japanese scholar of American...

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Woodcraft Helps Reduce Youth Crimes

An article from a British Columbia newspaper, the Gulf Islands Driftwood, September 18, 1991, subtitled, “Sociologist’s report credits nature-based movement,” validates Seton’s original purpose in creating his movement. The first Woodcraft camp took place in March...

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Our deepest feelings about nature

  Periodically I make presentations on various aspects of Seton’s life and work at the Academy for the Love Of learning. The next one, with co-facilitator Molly Sturges, “Learning from Crisis: How Do We Meet This Ecological Emergency Together?” takes place on...

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Classics Illustrated Features Seton

Before the graphic novel, “Classics Illustrated, Featuring Stories by the World’s Greatest Authors,” put pictures to much abbreviated words retelling great stories from Alexandre Dumas and Daniel Defoe to Jack London and Ernest Thompson Seton. Several of these comic...

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