by David L. Witt | Sep 27, 2021 | Seton Essays
Young Buck, Carberry, Manitoba, December 1886 by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological...
by David L. Witt | Sep 13, 2021 | Seton Essays
The tails and discs of deer by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...
by David L. Witt | Sep 9, 2021 | Seton Essays
Sketch for Bugling Elk by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...
by David L. Witt | May 3, 2021 | Seton Essays
Seton Illustration from The Century Magazine The revered, elderly, lyrical naturalist John Burroughs attacked Seton as a “Nature Faker” in an article entitled “Real and Sham Natural History,” appearing in the March 1903 issue of Atlantic Monthly. This hurt...
by David L. Witt | Dec 13, 2019 | Seton Essays
In December 1893, while chasing Lobo in New Mexico, Our Animal Friends magazine printed Seton’s article about the Long-eared owl. [One year’s subscription for $1.00, “payable strictly in advance,” or 10 cents per copy.] Since it included his finished illustration of...
by David L. Witt | Oct 21, 2019 | Seton Essays
Seton’s early science writings are less known than his wildlife stories but demonstrated important insights. Roger Tory Peterson Writing in 1941 in the Preface of A Field Guide to the Western Birds, Roger Tory Peterson gave credit to Seton’s influential work: “It was...