Seton Essays

Short pieces written by the man himself

The Woodchuck by Ernest Thompson Seton

The Woodchuck by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodchuck details, Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in October 1909, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...

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Seton and the Missouri Skylark

Seton and the Missouri Skylark

Photos of Sprague’s Pipit (The Cornell Lab from their website) The survival of Sprague’s Pipit (called the “Missouri Skylark” by Seton) depends upon the existence of virgin prairie. Once found from Mexico to Manitoba, it is now very rare due to habitat destruction....

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Seton’s Recognition Marks of Birds

Seton’s Recognition Marks of Birds

On-line Copy of Original Article Illustration Just in time for the annual Christmas Bird Count, here is Seton’s article that pushed Birding to new levels. When binoculars became available, so too new approaches to identification were needed. Seton provided a way into...

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The Chipmunk by Ernest Thompson Seton

The Chipmunk by Ernest Thompson Seton

Eastern Chipmunk, Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral information and...

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The American Bison by Ernest Thompson Seton

The American Bison by Ernest Thompson Seton

A Buffalo Herd In The Early Fall, Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...

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The Pronghorn by Ernest Thompson Seton

The Pronghorn by Ernest Thompson Seton

Antelope Sighting Danger, by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...

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Woodland Caribou by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodland Caribou by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodland Caribou, Male and Female, by Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in 1910, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and...

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