Prior to the purchase of Seton Castle by the Academy for the Love of Learning in 2003, the northwest facing corner looked like–a mess! During the 2005 renovation, all the junk and the attached building on the right were removed. The catastrophic fire of November 15, 2005 took out all of the upper floors including the bedroom on the second story at the left of the photograph. 

The Castle subsequently joined the catalog of scenic New Mexico ruins. It is a serene place surrounded by trees and gardens, featuring as well beautiful views across the Rio Grande Valley. Great credit goes to the Academy for the preservation and maintenance of the structure. Without the Academy’s care and investment, this historical monument would no doubt have disappeared by now.

Attribution: Collection of Library of Congress. Historic American Buildings Survey, creator Wegman-French, Lysa, transmitter, Lyon, Robert, photographer, Ca. 1970


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