Canadian Beaver by Ernest Thompson Seton

Canadian Beaver by Ernest Thompson Seton

Family of Beavers, Ernest Thompson Seton This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals published in 1910. Seton noted that the beaver has “a massive skull of the general squirrel-type.” While he did not say so, this similarity led biologists to...
Migrations of the Gray Squirrel by Seton

Migrations of the Gray Squirrel by Seton

Undated squirrel drawing by Seton (not associated with the article) The great migrations of the world: The Wildebeest of Tanzania. The Caribou of Alaska. The Squirrels of New York. (!?) Perhaps not exactly. In between the publication of Life-Histories of Northern...
Actual True History of the Boy Scouts Part IV

Actual True History of the Boy Scouts Part IV

The on-line version of gives a short (and misleading) answer to the question: Who founded the Boy Scouts? Their short answer is: Robert Baden-Powell (a.k.a. “B-P”). But that asks the wrong question, so let’s rephrase: Who came up with the idea that led...
The Woodchuck by Ernest Thompson Seton

The Woodchuck by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodchuck details, Ernest Thompson Seton (This is an excerpt from Life-Histories of Northern Animals by Ernest Thompson Seton. Published in October 1909, Seton chronicled the lives of 60 species in a massive two-volume work including ecological and behavioral...
Seton Castle

Seton Castle

Prior to the purchase of Seton Castle by the Academy for the Love of Learning in 2003, the northwest facing corner looked like–a mess! During the 2005 renovation, all the junk and the attached building on the right were removed. The catastrophic fire of November...

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