Seton’s planned trip to the Arctic Prairies caught the attention of two newspapers in Edmonton, Alberta.This is one of the articles. It comes from the archives of the Academy for the Love of Learning.

Edmonton Daily Bulletin, May 8, 1907

Is in Edmonton Preparing for Thousand Mile Excursion Into the Illimitable Northland—Commends the Dominion Government for Having Purchased Herd of Buffalo From State of Montana—Says Roosevelt Regrets Canada Obtained Herd—Thinks Animals Will do Well in Elk Park.

Ernest Thompson Seton, the world-famous traveler, author and naturalist and animal artist, and his colleague, Mr. Ed. A. Preble, are guests at the Alberta today. Mr. Seton arrived last night from New York. When interviewed today Mr. Seton was busy completing arrangements for his trip to the Barren Lands of the far north, which this noted scientist says is a land of infinite interest and promise to the whole world. He will go 1,000 miles north and east and hopes to gather new and rich material which will no doubt appear in due time in some interesting book of as human interest as “Wild Animals I Have Known” and other masterpieces of natural history which his inimitable pen can alone transcribe.

Mr. Seton says that everybody realizes there is an area in the north so large that it is hard to express it in moderate terms.

He will study everything of economic human interest as well as the plant and animal worlds.

He is accompanied by Edward A. Preble, the famous naturalist, who represents the United States biological survey. He has travelled extensively in the north, and is unquestionably the best living authority on northern natural history.

The party leaves tonight for Athabasca Landing and thence by the Athabasca river.

Buffalo Herd Purchase

When questioned as to the intention of the Canadian government to place the Pablo buffalo herd in Elk Island park Mr. Seton said it was a splendid stroke on the part of our government in which they stole a march on Uncle Sam. He says that the bulls of the herd are worth $1000, and cows about half as much, and that the government obtained the herd at a very reasonable price.

Mr. Seton and his party will travel by canoe practically all the way north.

Mr. Seton expects to be away until October. On his return he has expressed his willingness to lecture in Edmonton on the result of his observations.

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